puppy 'moong-chi'

2010년 11월 26일 금요일
Preparing G-mate : Advantages and Disadvantage of Fast Food
Nowadays, people are so busy. So people eat fast food as a meal. I think it has many advantages. First, we can eat very fast. So it is very useful as a breakfast or lunch. Second, we can find it anywhere. Fast food reastaurant is general, so we can but it anywhere. Last, we can find whenever. Most fast food restaurants open 24 hours, so we can buy it everytime. But it has many disadvantages. First, It isn't good at our health. Fresh food's nutrition is better than fast foods. It has a lot of fat, salt, sugar. Second, It has high calories, so it is not good at lose weights. I think fast food isn't good although it has some advantages. So I recommend to eat fresh foods.
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