puppy 'moong-chi'

2010년 12월 8일 수요일
The best class of my life
I remember our memory. Time flies so fast.
Thank you, bita. You make me positive. Frankly, I'm so sad because tomorrow is the last day of our class, and I know you will go away in 3 months, then we can't meet. I can't forget you.
Congratulations for your marry! I wish you always happy.
2010년 12월 3일 금요일
BBC ESL-Subject&Verb Agreement
I entered BBC ESL and studied subject&verb agreement. There are 8 questions and I answered 6 right answer.
-The media have reported the death of the president.
-Some people think that maths is really difficult.
-Diabetes is on the increase in the developed world.
(Maths is not plural. just a word that is ended 's')
-The children were told not to jump in the furniture.
(Children's singular is child)
-The orchestra was taken to the hotel by coach.
-I'm sure my team is going to win the match.
And this is the right answer of my error.
Everyone who was injured in the accident was taken to hospital.
-> 'Everyone' have a plural meaning, but take singular verbs.
The police are forbidden by law to go on strike.
-> 'police' is a word that is collective nouns. This can be not only singular, but also plural.
And..My last class is coming..I'm so sad..
-The media have reported the death of the president.
-Some people think that maths is really difficult.
-Diabetes is on the increase in the developed world.
(Maths is not plural. just a word that is ended 's')
-The children were told not to jump in the furniture.
(Children's singular is child)
-The orchestra was taken to the hotel by coach.
-I'm sure my team is going to win the match.
And this is the right answer of my error.
Everyone who was injured in the accident was taken to hospital.
-> 'Everyone' have a plural meaning, but take singular verbs.
The police are forbidden by law to go on strike.
-> 'police' is a word that is collective nouns. This can be not only singular, but also plural.
And..My last class is coming..I'm so sad..
2010년 11월 30일 화요일
Words in News-New airport approved for Mumbai
Mumbai people had been difficulty when they wanted to built a new airport between builters and environmentalists. But they found environmental friendly airport, so they decided to built air port that is second air port in their nation. The airport will builted perfectly by 2030. The authorities see that this airport can solve trafic congestiong problem.
In Seoul, we has a airport. But it is so small and has many traffic problem. So I think we have to make new airport. I hope that we make environmental friendly airport. Although environmental friendly airport is needed a lot of money, it is helpful in brode sight.
In Seoul, we has a airport. But it is so small and has many traffic problem. So I think we have to make new airport. I hope that we make environmental friendly airport. Although environmental friendly airport is needed a lot of money, it is helpful in brode sight.
2010년 11월 29일 월요일
BBC ESL - Time prepositions
I entered BBC ESL and studied about time prepositions. Time preposition's rule is this:
At-for times of the day
On-for days and dates
In-for longer periods of time
No preposition-for some time words
I'm tried to remember its ruld and answered the quiz. I chose 7 right answer and 3 wrong answer. a quiz is this:
Dima : What did you do at the weekend?
Helen : I had a really busy time, not like (no preposition) last
weekend when I didn't do anything at all. On Saturday, I got up at
7:30 and went to the airport to meet my aunt. In the afternoon we
for longer periods of time
went to a concert in the park. Then, in the evening we had a little
for longer periods of time
party for her. So the guests started arriving at 8ish and some were
I didn't know what 'ish' means. It means 'about'->for times of the day
still there at midnight!
Dima : Sounds like you had a great time!
Helen : Yes but I'm already looking forward to (no preposition)
next weekend just so I can have a quiet time on Saturday and
I thought I chose all right answer. But I couldn't know about time prepositions perfectly. Now, I'm certain that I know about time prepositions perfectly!
At-for times of the day
On-for days and dates
In-for longer periods of time
No preposition-for some time words
I'm tried to remember its ruld and answered the quiz. I chose 7 right answer and 3 wrong answer. a quiz is this:
Dima : What did you do at the weekend?
Helen : I had a really busy time, not like (no preposition) last
weekend when I didn't do anything at all. On Saturday, I got up at
7:30 and went to the airport to meet my aunt. In the afternoon we
for longer periods of time
went to a concert in the park. Then, in the evening we had a little
for longer periods of time
party for her. So the guests started arriving at 8ish and some were
I didn't know what 'ish' means. It means 'about'->for times of the day
still there at midnight!
Dima : Sounds like you had a great time!
Helen : Yes but I'm already looking forward to (no preposition)
next weekend just so I can have a quiet time on Saturday and
I thought I chose all right answer. But I couldn't know about time prepositions perfectly. Now, I'm certain that I know about time prepositions perfectly!
2010년 11월 27일 토요일
BBC ESL_Present perfect passive
I listened lesson that present perfect passive. If I want to make sentence, it's order is this;
passive subject+'have'+been+past participle
ex) The house has been made.
If I want to make negative, passive subject+havnet't+been+past participle
ex) The house hasn't been made.
Then I take the challenge. I chose right answer in all questions!
passive subject+'have'+been+past participle
ex) The house has been made.
If I want to make negative, passive subject+havnet't+been+past participle
ex) The house hasn't been made.
Then I take the challenge. I chose right answer in all questions!
And go next quiz..I reda sentence and decide that its grammer is correct or wrong.
1) The new regulations have announced.(x)
->The new regulations have been announced.(o)
2) Many car accident have been caused by careless driving.(o)
3) Three buildings has been damaged in the explosion.(x)
->Three buildings have been damaged in the explosion.(o)
4) A lot of money was been stolen in the robbery.(x)
->A lot of money has been stolen in the robbery.(o)
I answered all right answers and completed the quiz.
2010년 11월 26일 금요일
Preparing G-mate : Advantages and Disadvantage of Fast Food
Nowadays, people are so busy. So people eat fast food as a meal. I think it has many advantages. First, we can eat very fast. So it is very useful as a breakfast or lunch. Second, we can find it anywhere. Fast food reastaurant is general, so we can but it anywhere. Last, we can find whenever. Most fast food restaurants open 24 hours, so we can buy it everytime. But it has many disadvantages. First, It isn't good at our health. Fresh food's nutrition is better than fast foods. It has a lot of fat, salt, sugar. Second, It has high calories, so it is not good at lose weights. I think fast food isn't good although it has some advantages. So I recommend to eat fresh foods.
2010년 11월 21일 일요일
BBC ESL-Word master
I studied words at BBC ESL. It has three levels and I chose medium first. I think I can answer midium levet, but I can't. It is hard to think a word as a English than I think. So I chose easy level and I can answer. Sometimes I didn't know the answer, then, I clicked 'definition of the word'. So I finished easy level! I think it is easy to answer what 'apple' is. But it is difficult to answer what 'red fruit that has a lot of vitamin C'. Do you agree with me?
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