puppy 'moong-chi'

2010년 10월 31일 일요일
New laptop compu!ter
Before 5 hours, I finished my report, and I went to the store with father. I search for a good laptop computer. I want cute netbook or ultra thin, but I should use laptop as a desk top too, so I found big laptop. I went three stores. Samsung is the last store that I visited. At there, I found blck laptop new arrival! It has greatest hard disk, graphic card , and memory. This model has two types. One is big laptop, and the other is small laptop. I chose big laptop. It is big, but I can move with this if I want. It is so expensive than I think. after now, I won't eat anything in front of my lovely laptop computer! In fact, I ate anything in front of my desktop, so my computer was crazy sometimes..It is my fault. Moreover I spilled a water often..So we had to change a new keyboard. But It is my history. After now I never never eat doing computer! This is my promise!
2010년 10월 30일 토요일
Mid-term exam is over, but semester is not over. Professors needs some assignment report or presentation. One professor gave me a homework when I handed out my test paper..I'm so sad. This is my homework list.
-Crimial law-report, preparation, reading thesis
-Constitution law-report
-Readership-Making self video
And I want to go to shopping because I have just summer clothes..And I'm going to go to buy a note book with father. I think 24 hour is so short! I want to see movies and books. I think it is my dream..I have to do many things but I'm happy because my brother will go back to home! My brother is army and he get a vacation. I think today's dinner is great!
-Crimial law-report, preparation, reading thesis
-Constitution law-report
-Readership-Making self video
And I want to go to shopping because I have just summer clothes..And I'm going to go to buy a note book with father. I think 24 hour is so short! I want to see movies and books. I think it is my dream..I have to do many things but I'm happy because my brother will go back to home! My brother is army and he get a vacation. I think today's dinner is great!
2010년 10월 29일 금요일
Volunteer work
I think volunteering is needed to all people because it is helpful to both. But I think it isn't good way nation gives volunteer time that is obligated. 'Volunteer' is originated from people's mind. If nation gives same obligated time, it isn't volunteer. In SMWU, we have to do volunteer 10 hours in 1semester. If we don't we can't receive scholarship. What connections between study and volunteer? I can't understand. I know most people volunteer for their obligation time, but it is not efficient way.
2010년 10월 28일 목요일
Midterm exam is over!
Mid-term exam is over..I didn't study a lot, so I had to sudy all night before examination..And I think I'll got low grade..But it's okay..It is finished yet. I think law is so difficult..Especially, I can't understand criminal law..Is it written by alien language? I tried to undersand, but I can't. Yesterday, My long period of examination is over. So I slept 12 hours..but now I'm still tired! I want to sleep more.. Now, I'm going to read a novel that i wanted to read, and sleep long time!
2010년 10월 21일 목요일
Mid-term exam
Monday, I have constitution law class exam and law of real class exam. And then, I have biology exam and English writing exam!!!!!!! Then, I can rest one day. Thursday is the last day of mid-term exam. I have criminal law exam and Koream writing exam. It is so hard..Exam is very heavy burden. But I have to study! After mid-term exam, I have meeting with SNU. But Study is first. Don't think about boys, club, movies! Way to go!
In Wednessday, I had meeting with bita, and she told me about my paragraph. I'm depressed because of my English..But she let me feel better. It is one reason of why I have to study English. Bita, Thank you!!
In Wednessday, I had meeting with bita, and she told me about my paragraph. I'm depressed because of my English..But she let me feel better. It is one reason of why I have to study English. Bita, Thank you!!
2010년 10월 19일 화요일
I like chicken, I love my senior!
Today, my senior sent me a massage.
She said she want to have a dinner with me.
So I'm planning to have dinner with her!
We are going to An-dong shop that sells Korean Chicken.
I like chickrn!
And I love my senior!
Chicken gives me energy.
She said she want to have a dinner with me.
So I'm planning to have dinner with her!
We are going to An-dong shop that sells Korean Chicken.
I like chickrn!
And I love my senior!
Chicken gives me energy.
Tired days.
I have tired days because of midterm exam.
I feel overwhelmed by pressure and burden!
I can't sleep well..
Moreover, My home have long distance with SMWU.
So I have three hours in subway.
It is very stressful!
I want to sleep well!
I feel overwhelmed by pressure and burden!
I can't sleep well..
Moreover, My home have long distance with SMWU.
So I have three hours in subway.
It is very stressful!
I want to sleep well!
2010년 10월 16일 토요일
I started facebook!
I started facebook because of my Amercan friend.
At fist, he started cyworld to meet me.
But He can't use cyworld.
He think cyworl is really difficult.
So I started for him.
But facebook is really hard to me..T_T
I think faceboook is more famouw in the world than cyworld.
In facebook, I can make many foreign friends.
Aalthough facebook is difficult, I'll use facebook.
Making foriegn friend is really interesting!
At fist, he started cyworld to meet me.
But He can't use cyworld.
He think cyworl is really difficult.
So I started for him.
But facebook is really hard to me..T_T
I think faceboook is more famouw in the world than cyworld.
In facebook, I can make many foreign friends.
Aalthough facebook is difficult, I'll use facebook.
Making foriegn friend is really interesting!
2010년 10월 15일 금요일
I had ITQ exam
Yesterday, I had ITQ exam that is evaluate making office program abillity.
It has 4 types of exam.
I had Power-point exam.
Powerpoint changed version 2007, so I can't use this version well.
(I alway use 2003 in my home)
And most places have version 2003, so If I want to practice version 2007, I'm trying to find.
In my school, Only Myung-shin building's PC room has this program..
So I went to there every day during 1 week.
And I entered examination yesterday.
It is so hard than practice.
But I think I can get the license.
Because it needed just 50% of right answer!
It has 4 types of exam.
I had Power-point exam.
Powerpoint changed version 2007, so I can't use this version well.
(I alway use 2003 in my home)
And most places have version 2003, so If I want to practice version 2007, I'm trying to find.
In my school, Only Myung-shin building's PC room has this program..
So I went to there every day during 1 week.
And I entered examination yesterday.
It is so hard than practice.
But I think I can get the license.
Because it needed just 50% of right answer!
2010년 10월 14일 목요일
Isn't she lovely?
She's name is moong-chi. My pet!!
So cute!!!!!!!!!
This picture is in East-Sea, last year.
Isn't she lovely?
Although other people think she is just a dog, she is one of my family!
So cute!!!!!!!!!
This picture is in East-Sea, last year.
Isn't she lovely?
Although other people think she is just a dog, she is one of my family!
How can I improve my English?
Todays, I depressed because of my English abillity.
In my writing, there is no mail sentence, no concluuding sentence.
I tried hard, but it is still low quality.
And I make mistakes in same thing..It is verb tense.
I concentrate about it, but I don't know it's rule.
I always use short sentence, there is no logic.
My class mates are very good and they have positive attitude.
But I became a negatice student.
I think I'm not good student.
I want improve my abillity..
How can I improve?
I really depressed, but it is too fast to give up.
I have time to upgade myself!..
I'm so scared..
In my writing, there is no mail sentence, no concluuding sentence.
I tried hard, but it is still low quality.
And I make mistakes in same thing..It is verb tense.
I concentrate about it, but I don't know it's rule.
I always use short sentence, there is no logic.
My class mates are very good and they have positive attitude.
But I became a negatice student.
I think I'm not good student.
I want improve my abillity..
How can I improve?
I really depressed, but it is too fast to give up.
I have time to upgade myself!..
I'm so scared..
2010년 10월 12일 화요일
Today's English writing class
Today's class is more interesting than before!
I recognized that 'one-day teacher'is really fun, and it helps to understand many information.
Some people think it is little difficult, but I think it makes our English more great.
And I have learned English writing skills and their culture. It is many differences in Korean writing and English writing.
Although I ave many defects i really enjoy.
I know my defect, so I try more.
I learned that 1 main topic is great in 1 paragraph
I recognized that 'one-day teacher'is really fun, and it helps to understand many information.
Some people think it is little difficult, but I think it makes our English more great.
And I have learned English writing skills and their culture. It is many differences in Korean writing and English writing.
Although I ave many defects i really enjoy.
I know my defect, so I try more.
I learned that 1 main topic is great in 1 paragraph
Too many things to do!
I scheduled that i studied at school before exercising.
At that time, I want to finish my English writing class's home work that is fixing freewriting, and making errorlog. And taking notes about criminal law.
And after exercising, I scheduled to make report about Korean writing, to read some information about Korean writing, and to study about criminal law.
I stayed at school before exercising, but I can finish nothing!!!!!!!!!
So, I have to do all things from now on.
It is too burden.
At that time, I want to finish my English writing class's home work that is fixing freewriting, and making errorlog. And taking notes about criminal law.
And after exercising, I scheduled to make report about Korean writing, to read some information about Korean writing, and to study about criminal law.
I stayed at school before exercising, but I can finish nothing!!!!!!!!!
So, I have to do all things from now on.
It is too burden.
2010년 10월 11일 월요일
Troubled in gastroenteritis
After school is over, I went to my home.
Suddenly, Thundered in my stomach.
And I feel uncomfortable, and so sick.
So I went to talk with doctor.
The doctor said that I'm troubled in gastroenteristis.
Mid-term exam is coming, but I have to rest.
It is really hurt..
Suddenly, Thundered in my stomach.
And I feel uncomfortable, and so sick.
So I went to talk with doctor.
The doctor said that I'm troubled in gastroenteristis.
Mid-term exam is coming, but I have to rest.
It is really hurt..
2010년 10월 10일 일요일
I'm so worried about you with all my heart.
Why are you so depressed..?
As a matter of fact, I really envy you. It is true.
At the first time we met, I think you are very kind, smart, and calm.
I think you and I are oppossite.
People says I'm not smart, not kind, and not calm.
So I envy you very much in all things.
I want to be a smart.
Sometimes I feel I'm not Sookmyung's student.
I always afraid of that I don't deserve such a university.
I like to play, and I'm not deligent, But you aren't
It is my big complex.
I always feel that people think me as a troublemaker..
So I had very difficult times, and now I realize one thing.
That is..I'm deserve.
All people is deserve.
All people have different characters, but it is not problem.
Some people really envy you like me.
And People like you like me!
So, Please don't think about killing yourself.
You have many people who really important for you, right?
I don't know about your problem.
But it's sure suicide is very foolish, and if you had, eternally, you will regret.
Don't be pressured.
I think you are so stressed.
Sometimes, you can rest, and enjoy a departure.
You are very valuable person.
Don't think about yourself that you are not good.
I just one of american dreamer.
I am building castles in the air, but it's Okay.
I know it can't be real. but I just enjoy because it is interesting.
Don't be pressured, stressed, and just enjoy everything.
If you want to talk with me, tell me whenever.
I hope you can feel your happiness that you already have.
Why are you so depressed..?
As a matter of fact, I really envy you. It is true.
At the first time we met, I think you are very kind, smart, and calm.
I think you and I are oppossite.
People says I'm not smart, not kind, and not calm.
So I envy you very much in all things.
I want to be a smart.
Sometimes I feel I'm not Sookmyung's student.
I always afraid of that I don't deserve such a university.
I like to play, and I'm not deligent, But you aren't
It is my big complex.
I always feel that people think me as a troublemaker..
So I had very difficult times, and now I realize one thing.
That is..I'm deserve.
All people is deserve.
All people have different characters, but it is not problem.
Some people really envy you like me.
And People like you like me!
So, Please don't think about killing yourself.
You have many people who really important for you, right?
I don't know about your problem.
But it's sure suicide is very foolish, and if you had, eternally, you will regret.
Don't be pressured.
I think you are so stressed.
Sometimes, you can rest, and enjoy a departure.
You are very valuable person.
Don't think about yourself that you are not good.
I just one of american dreamer.
I am building castles in the air, but it's Okay.
I know it can't be real. but I just enjoy because it is interesting.
Don't be pressured, stressed, and just enjoy everything.
If you want to talk with me, tell me whenever.
I hope you can feel your happiness that you already have.
2010년 10월 9일 토요일
Is it winter? :D
By the way, I saw Mandarin oranges.
I think mandarin orange is one of the winter's fruit.
Is it winter now?..hehe
Wow time is so fast...
I think mandarin orange is one of the winter's fruit.
Is it winter now?..hehe
Wow time is so fast...
It is autumn yet, but after mid-term exam, then I think it's winter!
Time is really fast..3/4 in 1year is gone..
And My 21is coming. How fast, Isn't it?
I really hate that time is so fast, But I waiting for mandarin oranges are more ripen, and sweet potatoes coming!
I like to eat many winter's food!!!
(Scrap)Multilingual Korean conversation textbook published
KBS World Radio, the overseas broadcasting arm of the Korean Broadcasting System, has published a Korean-language conversation textbook, "Let`s Learn Korean," in 10 languages - including English, Chinese, Russian and Japanese.
The Korean-language textbook is intended for KBS World Radio`s listeners around the globe, foreigners residing in Korea, members of multicultural families in Korea and second and third generations of overseas Koreans.
The Korean-language conversation textbook, comprised of 20 lessons on 244 pages, is a guide for foreigners wishing to learn Korean through situational dialogue taking place in a variety of settings, including airports, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, department stores and tourist attractions in Korea.
The book is geared toward beginning and intermediate level learners. Each lesson includes vocabulary practice and both short and long dialogue segments.
The vocabulary and conversations are accompanied by Romanized pronunciation guides and translations in 10 target foreign languages. Each lesson also comes with "Cultural Tips," a segment that introduces information about daily life in Korea.
The textbook is accompanied by CD recordings. Dialogues and vocabulary lists were all recorded by KBS announcers, which assures the users are being presented with accurate Korean pronunciation.
Kim Hyuk-dong, producer at KBS World Radio, said "Let`s Learn Korean" is the nation`s first multilingual Korean-language conversation textbook provided in 10 foreign languages.
What`s more, Kim said that KBS World Radio was making "Let`s Learn Korean" textbooks and CD recordings available free of charge to KBS World Radio listeners around the globe, foreigners residing in Korea, members of multicultural families in Korea and second and third generations of overseas Korean residents. "KBS World Radio expects the textbook to be a useful guide for the study of Korean," Kim added.
The Korean-language textbook and broadcast service, available both on the air on KBS World Radio frequencies and on its homepage (http://world.kbs.co.kr), is designed to help enhance the communication capabilities of foreigners learning Korean.
For further information, contact KBS World Radio at (02) 781-3650.
KBS is really thoughtful!!!
I think it is really needed in many people, but we don't make it before.
It is really big changes to make our think to real thing.
In multicultural families in Korea and second and third generations of overseas Koreans don't know about not also Korean language but Korean cultures.
So This book tell about cultural tips, and I think it is very helpful in real life.
I hope Korean will be multilanguage in the world.
The Korean-language textbook is intended for KBS World Radio`s listeners around the globe, foreigners residing in Korea, members of multicultural families in Korea and second and third generations of overseas Koreans.
The Korean-language conversation textbook, comprised of 20 lessons on 244 pages, is a guide for foreigners wishing to learn Korean through situational dialogue taking place in a variety of settings, including airports, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, department stores and tourist attractions in Korea.
The book is geared toward beginning and intermediate level learners. Each lesson includes vocabulary practice and both short and long dialogue segments.
The vocabulary and conversations are accompanied by Romanized pronunciation guides and translations in 10 target foreign languages. Each lesson also comes with "Cultural Tips," a segment that introduces information about daily life in Korea.
The textbook is accompanied by CD recordings. Dialogues and vocabulary lists were all recorded by KBS announcers, which assures the users are being presented with accurate Korean pronunciation.
Kim Hyuk-dong, producer at KBS World Radio, said "Let`s Learn Korean" is the nation`s first multilingual Korean-language conversation textbook provided in 10 foreign languages.
What`s more, Kim said that KBS World Radio was making "Let`s Learn Korean" textbooks and CD recordings available free of charge to KBS World Radio listeners around the globe, foreigners residing in Korea, members of multicultural families in Korea and second and third generations of overseas Korean residents. "KBS World Radio expects the textbook to be a useful guide for the study of Korean," Kim added.
The Korean-language textbook and broadcast service, available both on the air on KBS World Radio frequencies and on its homepage (http://world.kbs.co.kr), is designed to help enhance the communication capabilities of foreigners learning Korean.
For further information, contact KBS World Radio at (02) 781-3650.
KBS is really thoughtful!!!
I think it is really needed in many people, but we don't make it before.
It is really big changes to make our think to real thing.
In multicultural families in Korea and second and third generations of overseas Koreans don't know about not also Korean language but Korean cultures.
So This book tell about cultural tips, and I think it is very helpful in real life.
I hope Korean will be multilanguage in the world.
Hangul Proclamation Day!
Hangul Proclamatiom Day is one of the very meaningful day.
Hangul is maded by King Sejong, and We appreciate it, so many festivals and ceremonies are hosted.
Hangul is maded by King Sejong, and We appreciate it, so many festivals and ceremonies are hosted.
It is king sejong's monument. I think it is right to erect his monument.
Because he contribute to develop Korean more strong.
Nowadays, Korean is considered as a national language in some nations.
It is really happy for me!
I know that Korean is excellent in scientific, cultural, and so on.
So today, We got some special events like Writing Korean mass meeting.
I think we shouldn't forget his achivement.
Next year, I want to attend in this event.
Write a sail mail
I received a snail mails, so I wrote a snail mail for them.
One of them lives in USA, and the other is live in France.
My first snail mail friend is Jory.
He likes Korean and interested in Korea.
He learned Korean and Taekwondo in USA.
So I teach Korean, and I learned English with him.
I got from him a letter, but I can't receive a mail because I'm so busy.
I have many reports, presentations, and study.
All things are connected with my grade.
So for my grade, I have to concentrate on these things.
So I can't connect with them.
We can meet MSN, but we can't.
So today, I decided to write a letter, and I did!
It is my letter and gift.
It is a bear in a Korean clothes. Isn't it cute?
I think he likes it.
2010년 10월 8일 금요일
Learning grammer in English!
Learning grammer is so difficult to Korean-native speakers.
Because It has many differences between English grammer and Korean grammer.
Moreover, Learning grammer in English is more difficult, because word is not friendly for Korean-natives.
In vita's class, I learned grammer, and professor said we have a quiz in Thursday's class.
So I tried that change the words English to Korean.
First time, I understood it by Koreand, and Second time, I understood by English.
It's too hard and sometimes burden to me, but I think if I learned grammer in Englsh, It helps me in both writing and grammer.
So I think this as a burden that is happy for me.
It's so cool If i understand after i tried to understand.
Because It has many differences between English grammer and Korean grammer.
Moreover, Learning grammer in English is more difficult, because word is not friendly for Korean-natives.
In vita's class, I learned grammer, and professor said we have a quiz in Thursday's class.
So I tried that change the words English to Korean.
First time, I understood it by Koreand, and Second time, I understood by English.
It's too hard and sometimes burden to me, but I think if I learned grammer in Englsh, It helps me in both writing and grammer.
So I think this as a burden that is happy for me.
It's so cool If i understand after i tried to understand.
I'm sick.
After thursday, I'm really sick because of cold.
I was at a bed all days, but it is not gone.
My voice is very bug problme, because I can't speak out anything!!
I sleep and sleep.
I think rest is the best way to get better.
I want it is get better soon.
Take care of yourself from flu!
I was at a bed all days, but it is not gone.
My voice is very bug problme, because I can't speak out anything!!
I sleep and sleep.
I think rest is the best way to get better.
I want it is get better soon.
Take care of yourself from flu!
2010년 10월 6일 수요일
About my fortune
I consulted a fortuneteller.
She said I was born under lucky!
I always do my best in all things in all my life.
And She use figure of speech that I get a soft simmon in Summer.
Do you know what it means?
Soft simmon is representive winter fruit.
But I get Soft simmon in summer!
She said people doubt a true worth of me, and sometime I doubt a true worth of me too.
But I make a great effort, and eventually, I seccess.
I think it is better to get something with effort that to get something with no effort.
Because exertion is valuable itself.
If all people doubt, I shoul trust my value.
She said I was born under lucky!
I always do my best in all things in all my life.
And She use figure of speech that I get a soft simmon in Summer.
Do you know what it means?
Soft simmon is representive winter fruit.
But I get Soft simmon in summer!
She said people doubt a true worth of me, and sometime I doubt a true worth of me too.
But I make a great effort, and eventually, I seccess.
I think it is better to get something with effort that to get something with no effort.
Because exertion is valuable itself.
If all people doubt, I shoul trust my value.
Tuesday's class
Yesterday, I was a one-day teacher.
I prepared eargly, and I practice to presenting many times.
I prepare my presentation about 10 days.
And Tuesday morning, I woke up at 5'o clock.
I did my presentation as a last practice, and I went to school.
In the subway to go to school, I read and read again my script, and I imagine my presenting.
At 8'o clock, I reached my school.
I went to room where is Jin-ri building, to practice my presenting and to make some poster to use to presenting.
I think I prepared all things and then, I went to my classroom.
As I reached my classroom, I stick a poster on the blackboard.
Professor said that If we have no time, I can't presenting and I'll have presenting time next class.
Fortunately, I got a chance to presenting.
I was interesting, but It is so nervous too!
I did my best when I presenting, But I have so many mistakes.
So I feel unsatisfied all day.
And now I still feel unsatisfied.
But it is over. So I delete regret feeling in my think.
It's okay because I did my best.
It's too hard to speech in front of many people.
In this chance, I feel my deficienty.
I think I have to study more English.
I know it is too hard, but I never ever give up because I have a dream.
Next class, I have a quiz about conjunction.
The first time I learned about it, I really don't know.
But now I learned many things about it.
I know it is not enough, but I'm trying to remember accurately.
I trust Great talent takes time ti ripen.
I certain it is my story.
I prepared eargly, and I practice to presenting many times.
I prepare my presentation about 10 days.
And Tuesday morning, I woke up at 5'o clock.
I did my presentation as a last practice, and I went to school.
In the subway to go to school, I read and read again my script, and I imagine my presenting.
At 8'o clock, I reached my school.
I went to room where is Jin-ri building, to practice my presenting and to make some poster to use to presenting.
I think I prepared all things and then, I went to my classroom.
As I reached my classroom, I stick a poster on the blackboard.
Professor said that If we have no time, I can't presenting and I'll have presenting time next class.
Fortunately, I got a chance to presenting.
I was interesting, but It is so nervous too!
I did my best when I presenting, But I have so many mistakes.
So I feel unsatisfied all day.
And now I still feel unsatisfied.
But it is over. So I delete regret feeling in my think.
It's okay because I did my best.
It's too hard to speech in front of many people.
In this chance, I feel my deficienty.
I think I have to study more English.
I know it is too hard, but I never ever give up because I have a dream.
Next class, I have a quiz about conjunction.
The first time I learned about it, I really don't know.
But now I learned many things about it.
I know it is not enough, but I'm trying to remember accurately.
I trust Great talent takes time ti ripen.
I certain it is my story.
2010년 10월 4일 월요일
Fight with my mom
I go to gym everyday with my mom.
Today, After school is finished, I went to gym right away not to go to home.
I said my mom to bring my training wear, socks, and hair band.
But my mom doesn't bring it, so I can't attend GX program..
I waiited her fitness is over.
When we met, I'm so angry.
Because mom doesn't say sorry, and she just make sarcastic that I'm late.
But I'm not late.
After school is finished, I ran and I take taxi for not to late.
I understand she can't remember our promise, but I can't understand she doesnt feel sorry, and made me sarcastic.
I said "I'm not late." But my mom doesn't said sorry, and just said
"What are you sore at? Don't irritate"
I'm really angry about this.
I'm not irritated to her before I hear that she made me sarcastic.
It is way to go home by mom's car.
I really mad at, so I get out of the car and walk.
And now I'm not go to home. And I'm in a PC room.
I don't want to go to home.
But I have many reports, and I have to study.
I really don't know how can I do.
Today, After school is finished, I went to gym right away not to go to home.
I said my mom to bring my training wear, socks, and hair band.
But my mom doesn't bring it, so I can't attend GX program..
I waiited her fitness is over.
When we met, I'm so angry.
Because mom doesn't say sorry, and she just make sarcastic that I'm late.
But I'm not late.
After school is finished, I ran and I take taxi for not to late.
I understand she can't remember our promise, but I can't understand she doesnt feel sorry, and made me sarcastic.
I said "I'm not late." But my mom doesn't said sorry, and just said
"What are you sore at? Don't irritate"
I'm really angry about this.
I'm not irritated to her before I hear that she made me sarcastic.
It is way to go home by mom's car.
I really mad at, so I get out of the car and walk.
And now I'm not go to home. And I'm in a PC room.
I don't want to go to home.
But I have many reports, and I have to study.
I really don't know how can I do.
2010년 10월 3일 일요일
(Scrap)Don’t miss your best chance for variety and balance in your dinner
Don’t miss your best chance for variety and balance in your dinner
2010-10-01 16:58
Does this look like you when you’re making dinner?
You come up with a main course, usually a meat. You pick a starch potatoes, rice, pasta.
At the last minute, you realize you need a side dish. So you dump frozen peas or broccoli in boiling water, or you toss bagged salad in a bowl. Again.
If your aim is healthful, balanced and affordable, you may have missed a big chance. Again.
Dietitians see you do it. When they have clients keep food logs, they often see no fruits or vegetables during the day. And all that missed nutrition isn’t being made up at night, either.
“We tend to think in food groups,” says Elisabetta Politi, the nutrition director at the Duke Diet and Fitness Center in Durham, North Carolina. “‘Tonight, I’m going to have chicken, I’m going to have pasta.’ It shows people don’t think too much in terms of balance.”
Melissa Herrmann Dierks, a registered dietitian and diabetes educator in Huntersville, North Carolina, tells clients to generally aim for 2 1/2 cups of vegetables and at least one piece of fruit a day, with a cup being about the size of a light bulb. Politi suggests more, 2 1/2 cups of vegetables for adult women and 3 cups for men, plus 2 cups of fruit a day.
That doesn’t sound too hard, does it? Brace yourself: The Centers for Disease Control released a report Sept. 10 that looked at fruit and vegetable consumption by state. Not one state did well in meeting the goal of eating vegetables three times a day and fruit twice a day.
“A lot of people skip breakfast or get a sausage biscuit,” says Dierks. “At lunch, it’s fast food or Chinese or a pizza.” By the time we get to dinner, it’s our last chance.
Doing bagged salad or frozen broccoli every night is a start, but you’re still missing something else important: Variety.
“The bigger variety that you eat, the bigger variety of vitamins and minerals you’re going to get,” says Dierks.
Yes, it can be expensive to keep fresh fruits and vegetables around.
“Aiming for a variety is great, but we want to be watchful of waste,” says Politi. “People stop buying if they think they’re throwing away.”
But there are ways to keep it affordable and even fast. Both Dierks and Politi push the importance of meal-planning including side dishes.
“Emphasizing side dishes can help you plan what to buy at the grocery store,” says Politi. Fresh is great, but there’s nothing wrong with stocking up on frozen and canned fruits and vegetables. They last longer, they’re on hand when you need them, and if you plan, you can stock up on sales.
With an eye toward affordability, variety and speed, we dug into our own files of great side dishes, the ones we rely on to fill out the plate. All of them use things that are easy to add to your grocery list.
“People who spend at least 20 minutes planning the grocery list eat healthier,” says Dierks. “Get those foods in the house, otherwise, you’re not going to eat them.”
Oven-roasted green beans
Adapted from “Desperation Entertaining,” by Beverly Mills and Alicia Ross (Workman, 2002). This never fails to get raves whenever I serve it. It’s just as good at room temperature or slightly warm, and you can make it with the most tired mid-winter green beans.
● 2 pounds fresh green beans (see note)
● 1 large onion (see note)
● 8 cloves garlic (see note)
● 2 tablespoons olive oil
● About 1 teaspoon salt (crispy sea salt is great, table salt is fine too)
● 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Rinse and drain the green beans. Trim off the stem ends, leaving the green beans whole.
Spread the green beans in a mostly single layer in a wide, shallow pan, such as a roasting pan or a jelly roll plan. Peel the onion and cut in thin slices. Separate the rings and scatter over the green beans. Peel the garlic cloves. (Place cloves on their side on a cutting board, place the flat side of a knife blade on each one and hit it with your fist to break the skin.) Cut each clove in half and scatter over the green beans.
Drizzle olive oil over all. Shake the pan a little to distribute everything. Place in oven, uncovered, and roast for 10 minutes. Use tongs to stir it all around. Roast for 10 minutes longer.
Remove from oven. Immediately pour balsamic vinegar over everything. Serve immediately, or cover the pan with foil and let stand up to 1 hour before serving.
Notes: You can halve or increase the amount of green beans depending on how many people you’re serving. For the onion, I’ve used thinly sliced shallot, red onion, sweet onion or yellow onion. I’ve skipped the garlic, and I’ve even added thinly sliced fresh shiitake mushrooms (fabulous).
Yield: 8 servings (4 if you use 1 pound green beans)
By Kathleen Purvis
(McClatchy-Tribune Information Services)
You come up with a main course, usually a meat. You pick a starch potatoes, rice, pasta.
At the last minute, you realize you need a side dish. So you dump frozen peas or broccoli in boiling water, or you toss bagged salad in a bowl. Again.
If your aim is healthful, balanced and affordable, you may have missed a big chance. Again.
Dietitians see you do it. When they have clients keep food logs, they often see no fruits or vegetables during the day. And all that missed nutrition isn’t being made up at night, either.
“We tend to think in food groups,” says Elisabetta Politi, the nutrition director at the Duke Diet and Fitness Center in Durham, North Carolina. “‘Tonight, I’m going to have chicken, I’m going to have pasta.’ It shows people don’t think too much in terms of balance.”
Melissa Herrmann Dierks, a registered dietitian and diabetes educator in Huntersville, North Carolina, tells clients to generally aim for 2 1/2 cups of vegetables and at least one piece of fruit a day, with a cup being about the size of a light bulb. Politi suggests more, 2 1/2 cups of vegetables for adult women and 3 cups for men, plus 2 cups of fruit a day.
That doesn’t sound too hard, does it? Brace yourself: The Centers for Disease Control released a report Sept. 10 that looked at fruit and vegetable consumption by state. Not one state did well in meeting the goal of eating vegetables three times a day and fruit twice a day.
“A lot of people skip breakfast or get a sausage biscuit,” says Dierks. “At lunch, it’s fast food or Chinese or a pizza.” By the time we get to dinner, it’s our last chance.
Doing bagged salad or frozen broccoli every night is a start, but you’re still missing something else important: Variety.
“The bigger variety that you eat, the bigger variety of vitamins and minerals you’re going to get,” says Dierks.
Yes, it can be expensive to keep fresh fruits and vegetables around.
“Aiming for a variety is great, but we want to be watchful of waste,” says Politi. “People stop buying if they think they’re throwing away.”
We spend all our time on main dishes, and then we just dump a bag of frozen vegetables in a pot for a side dish. But side dishes are important to get to our five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. (Charlotte Observer/MCT) |
But there are ways to keep it affordable and even fast. Both Dierks and Politi push the importance of meal-planning including side dishes.
“Emphasizing side dishes can help you plan what to buy at the grocery store,” says Politi. Fresh is great, but there’s nothing wrong with stocking up on frozen and canned fruits and vegetables. They last longer, they’re on hand when you need them, and if you plan, you can stock up on sales.
With an eye toward affordability, variety and speed, we dug into our own files of great side dishes, the ones we rely on to fill out the plate. All of them use things that are easy to add to your grocery list.
“People who spend at least 20 minutes planning the grocery list eat healthier,” says Dierks. “Get those foods in the house, otherwise, you’re not going to eat them.”
Oven-roasted green beans
Adapted from “Desperation Entertaining,” by Beverly Mills and Alicia Ross (Workman, 2002). This never fails to get raves whenever I serve it. It’s just as good at room temperature or slightly warm, and you can make it with the most tired mid-winter green beans.
● 2 pounds fresh green beans (see note)
● 1 large onion (see note)
● 8 cloves garlic (see note)
● 2 tablespoons olive oil
● About 1 teaspoon salt (crispy sea salt is great, table salt is fine too)
● 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Rinse and drain the green beans. Trim off the stem ends, leaving the green beans whole.
Spread the green beans in a mostly single layer in a wide, shallow pan, such as a roasting pan or a jelly roll plan. Peel the onion and cut in thin slices. Separate the rings and scatter over the green beans. Peel the garlic cloves. (Place cloves on their side on a cutting board, place the flat side of a knife blade on each one and hit it with your fist to break the skin.) Cut each clove in half and scatter over the green beans.
Drizzle olive oil over all. Shake the pan a little to distribute everything. Place in oven, uncovered, and roast for 10 minutes. Use tongs to stir it all around. Roast for 10 minutes longer.
Remove from oven. Immediately pour balsamic vinegar over everything. Serve immediately, or cover the pan with foil and let stand up to 1 hour before serving.
Notes: You can halve or increase the amount of green beans depending on how many people you’re serving. For the onion, I’ve used thinly sliced shallot, red onion, sweet onion or yellow onion. I’ve skipped the garlic, and I’ve even added thinly sliced fresh shiitake mushrooms (fabulous).
Yield: 8 servings (4 if you use 1 pound green beans)
By Kathleen Purvis
(McClatchy-Tribune Information Services)
From. Korea Herald
Start of the New Week!
I woke up 5:30 because of my jogging.
But It was rainy, so I can't go to jogging.
So I prepared my presentations and wrote reports.
And now I have a breakfast.
Today's first class is 11:00 that is law of real estate.
My home is away from school, I have to go to school before 2 hours to start a lessons.
So I'll go to school at 9:00
I have no more time! Because I have to wash.
I hope this week is really happy and I study hard.
Good luck everybody!
But It was rainy, so I can't go to jogging.
So I prepared my presentations and wrote reports.
And now I have a breakfast.
Today's first class is 11:00 that is law of real estate.
My home is away from school, I have to go to school before 2 hours to start a lessons.
So I'll go to school at 9:00
I have no more time! Because I have to wash.
I hope this week is really happy and I study hard.
Good luck everybody!
Thursday's class
Thursday's class is really difficult.
It is about punctual practice and Error correcting symbols.
I don't know about anything, so it is very hard.
I had used End punctuation, commas, Apostrophes when I want.
But it have a rules.
And it is important to use right symbols at right position.
If i use wrong punctuations, People can't understand what i'm saying.
And I learned Error correcting symbols.
It is important when I learn English writing because I have to know why I'm wrong and how to correct it when I write English sentences.
So it is necessary to me.
It was very difficult , but I enjoyed.
And after this class, I'm trying to use punctuations more accurately.
I'm waiting for next class.
Thanks to bita, I'm interested in English.
I see English-native news everyday, and I'm trying to write about anything by English everyday.
It is good change, right?
It is about punctual practice and Error correcting symbols.
I don't know about anything, so it is very hard.
I had used End punctuation, commas, Apostrophes when I want.
But it have a rules.
And it is important to use right symbols at right position.
If i use wrong punctuations, People can't understand what i'm saying.
And I learned Error correcting symbols.
It is important when I learn English writing because I have to know why I'm wrong and how to correct it when I write English sentences.
So it is necessary to me.
It was very difficult , but I enjoyed.
And after this class, I'm trying to use punctuations more accurately.
I'm waiting for next class.
Thanks to bita, I'm interested in English.
I see English-native news everyday, and I'm trying to write about anything by English everyday.
It is good change, right?
2010년 10월 2일 토요일
(Scrap) Korean traditional hat 'gat' inspired Carolina Herrera?
[Photo] Korean traditional hat 'gat' inspired Carolina Herrera?
2010-09-14 13:20
The spring 2011 collection of designer Carolina Herrera is modeled during Fashion Week in New York on Monday. (AP) |
The spring 2011 collection of designer Carolina Herrera is modeled during Fashion Week in New York on Monday. (AP) |
The spring 2011 collection of designer Carolina Herrera is modeled during Fashion Week in New York on Monday. (AP) |
The 2011 Spring collection of Donna Karan showcased in New York (AP) |
The 2011 spring collection of Monique Lhullier (AP) |
The 2011 spring collection of Monique Lhullier (AP) |
The 2011 spring collection of Victoria Beckham (AP) |
The 2011 spring collection of Victoria Beckham (AP) |
The 2011 spring collection of South Korean designer Kuho showcased in New York. (Yonhap) |
The 2011 spring collection of South Korean designer Kuho showcased in New York. (Yonhap) |
The 2011 spring collection of Betsey Johnson showcased in New York. (AP) |
From Korea Herald
In Fashion business, Korean accesaries, patches, dyeing method are trand items.
I'm proud of it.
I think the more Koreanlike, the more Worldlike.
Hanbok is is beautiful so if it is maded to dress, It will be a vogue item.
I think Korea is upward trand!
We have to concentrate to introduce ourselves.
One of the good example is Designer Lee Sang-bong.
He is a world famous designer.
He want to express Korean Beauty by designing dresses, accesaries.
It is his dresses. The pattern is Korean traditional pattern and famous Korean traditioan drawing 'Beautiful women's picture' called 'Mi-in do'
And He designed the cellular phone. It is Shine-phone, and he wrote Korean behind of the Cell-phon.
It is good way to introduce Korean to World's people.
And this is a bag maded by Lee Sang-bong.
He wrote Korean.
I want to introduce Korea, Korean.
Someday I really do it like Lee Sang-bong.
Mr. right ! MC Yoo!
When I was young, I like man who has charisma, manful mind.
But now, My mr.right is changed.
I like sharp, tidy guy like Yoo Jae-seok, Oh Sang-jin.
They are not pretty guys. But they are so attractive, attentive, polite.
Especially, I like Yoo Jae-seok very much.
Although He married, My mr.right is still Yoo Jae-seok.
I like him because of his personallity, but the other reason is exist.
That is..
Do you agree with me?
I want to be a beautiful person.
Real beautiful person have beautiful mind, not just beautiful face.
But now, My mr.right is changed.
I like sharp, tidy guy like Yoo Jae-seok, Oh Sang-jin.
They are not pretty guys. But they are so attractive, attentive, polite.
Especially, I like Yoo Jae-seok very much.
Although He married, My mr.right is still Yoo Jae-seok.
I like him because of his personallity, but the other reason is exist.
That is..
He's body is nice!
His nice body is well matched with suit!
His nice body is well matched with suit!
I want to have a boyfriend like him.
But It is my dream..
I can't meet any boys..Because of my school is all women's university.
I think Lookism problem is so serious.
But personallity is more important than appearance.
Do you agree with me?
I want to be a beautiful person.
Real beautiful person have beautiful mind, not just beautiful face.
English is hard to me
I learned English first time at 11 years old.
In usual, Childrens had learned the spelling at their kindergarten.
But I don't go to kindergarten, so I can't learned spelling.
After I entered a elementary school, I learned spellings.
I'm too late than any other friends.
So I'm afraid to attend in English class.
But I have to study English for my future, I study English very dilligently.
And now, Although I can't do English well, I like English.
In fact.. I interviewed at EBS by English!!
It knows me that I can't speak English well.
I disappointed myself, and I try, try, try it again.
But I think I'm not good at English until now.
But I have to study, I want to study, I like to study English.
So I try again today.
It is a picture of timesqaure.
My dream is that I manage my Korean Restaurant at there.
This restaurant is about Korean traditional foods.
But it is fusion food, so newyorkers like my restaurant.
I really hope so.
For my restaurant, I want to speak English like native speaker.
English is my fate.
I can do it!
Is it foolish american dream of a girl?
But I can change foolish dream to reality.
Today is my friends birthday
Today is my club friend's birthday.
But I prepare nothing because I heard today that her birthday is today.
Even if it is late to prepare a big present, I go to the store and I got some doughnuts for her snack.
It is very small thing but she smilling.
She said she can't eat anything because of her oversleep, and my present is very good thing. She ate 6 doughnuts at one time!!
I think it is very good to receive some present from people, but also to give a present to my lovely people.
It is good for my spirit healthy.
But I prepare nothing because I heard today that her birthday is today.
Even if it is late to prepare a big present, I go to the store and I got some doughnuts for her snack.
It is very small thing but she smilling.
She said she can't eat anything because of her oversleep, and my present is very good thing. She ate 6 doughnuts at one time!!
I think it is very good to receive some present from people, but also to give a present to my lovely people.
It is good for my spirit healthy.
Tired Saturday.
I attended supplementary lesson today.
I want to wake up lately but I have to wake up early.
And In fact, I thought that I don't want to go to school.
But I decided i go to school and I study hard more than usual.
Professor gave me some cookies, and I ate big amount of cookies..
At that time, I forgot my diet..
Although I'm so tired, I think today is very helpful to me.
Biology is really interesting than I think
I want to wake up lately but I have to wake up early.
And In fact, I thought that I don't want to go to school.
But I decided i go to school and I study hard more than usual.
Professor gave me some cookies, and I ate big amount of cookies..
At that time, I forgot my diet..
Although I'm so tired, I think today is very helpful to me.
Biology is really interesting than I think
2010년 10월 1일 금요일
The bucket list
'Bucket list' means things to do before death.
It is maded to movie.
It is maded to movie.
![]() |
It is the story of 2 terminal cancer patients.
They make the bucket list, and they did this things.
It is very famous because It is very moving.
After I see this movie, I made my bucket list.
here is my bucket list.
-Lunch with Han Young-sil president before I graduate from school.
-Study 1~2semester at USA or Australia.
-Travel many nations in Europe.
-Volunteer working at underdevelopment nations.
-Be the honorary ambassador of Korea
-Write articles at magazine 'University's tomorrow'
-Do bungee jump
-Play with my friends until be placed under academic probation
-Eat all foods that I wanted (Because I'm on a diet now)
-See the movie all day.
-Take pictur with more than 1000 people in university life
-Go to the club all month
And it is updated continuously!
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